Supporting Mesa Public Schools

Courtney for Mesa Schools

Empower Every Student:
Join the Journey for Mesa’s Success

About Courtney

Courtney, along with her husband Wes, shares deep roots in Mesa, Arizona, as proud graduates of Mesa Public Schools. Their commitment to their hometown led them back to Mesa to raise their family, where they are now proud parents to four children. Their eldest has recently embarked on his own journey, having recently married and currently attending Arizona State University, while their three younger children are actively engaged in Mesa Public Schools.

With a passion for giving back and fostering community spirit, Courtney can often be found on the sidelines of a volleyball game or in the baseball dugout, sharing her love for coaching with young athletes. Her dedication to youth sports extends beyond the field, as she dedicated over a decade to helping run the local Little League, providing countless opportunities for children to learn and grow through sports.

In addition to her involvement in youth sports, Courtney finds immense joy in serving her community, whether it’s organizing ball teams or spearheading service projects. Her unwavering commitment to making a positive impact shines through in all her endeavors, reflecting her belief in the power of community collaboration and support.

As Courtney continues to champion education and community engagement, she remains steadfast in her commitment to ensuring that every child in Mesa has access to quality education and opportunities for growth.

Community Involvement

  • Volunteer
  • Youth Sports Coach
  • Little League Organizer
  • Booster Club
  • Parent Organization
  • School Volunteer

A Vision for Mesa Public Schools

As a proud product of Mesa Public Schools and a parent with three children currently enrolled in the district, my commitment to the success of our schools runs deep. For the past 15 years, since my oldest child entered kindergarten, I have been actively involved in our school community, serving in various capacities to support and enhance the educational experience for all students.

From my earliest days as a parent volunteer in classrooms to my ongoing engagement with Parent-Teacher Organizations (PTOs), School Improvement Advisory Councils (SIACs), Parent Groups, and booster clubs, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of strong schools in shaping the future of our community.

My journey as both a product of Mesa Public Schools and a dedicated parent has instilled in me a profound understanding of the vital role education plays in building strong, vibrant communities. I have seen how effective collaboration between parents, educators, and community stakeholders can positively impact student success and overall community well-being.

Driven by this belief and my unwavering commitment to ensuring every child receives a quality education, I am stepping forward to run for the Mesa School Board. I am dedicated to leveraging my experience, passion, and firsthand knowledge to advocate for policies and initiatives that will continue to elevate our schools and empower every student to reach their full potential.

Join me in my mission to uphold the legacy of excellence in Mesa Public Schools and to create a future where every student has the opportunity to thrive and succeed.

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  • No one better for the job!

    When Courtney said she was putting her hat in the ring for the MPS Governing Board we knew there was no one better. She is aware of the situations at schools as she is a mother of students in the district. When thinking of someone we want representing MPS we want someone who actually has children in the district. When you speak to Courtney about concerns she is truly listening and cares about the welfare of EVERY student in the district. As parents of 4 MPS students we strongly endorse Courtney Davis for reelection on the MPS Governing Board position. Mark & Chelsey Fowkes
  • A Proven Community Leader

    We’ve had the pleasure of knowing Courtney since she was a student at Kino Junior High. She was an outstanding student- athlete and a great leader. As a student-athlete at Westwood High School she spearheaded fundraising activities for the Girls Vollyball program and always motivated the girls in a positive way. She has continued to serve her community and the children in Mesa through her various volunteer positions. Courtney is all about fairness, inclusion and equity. She believes and supports public schools and will continue to be a great advocate for our children and community on the school board.

    John and Ann Lumm

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